Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meaning of words and terms as used in this article shall be as follows:

(a)   Commercial Waste. All refuse emanating from establishments engaged in business including, but not limited to stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters, hospitals, governments and nursing homes.

(b)   Dwelling Unit. Any enclosure, building or portion thereof occupied by one or more persons for and as living quarters;

(c)   Garbage. Waste resulting from the handling, processing, storage, packaging, preparation, sale, cooking and serving of meat, produce and other foods and shall include unclean containers;

(d)   Multi-Family Unit. Any structure containing more than four individual dwelling units;

(e)   Rubbish or Trash. All garbage and/or rubbish or trash;

(f)   Residential. Any structure containing four or less individual dwelling units, rooming houses having no more than four persons in addition to the family of the owner or operator, and mobile homes;

(g)   Rubbish or Trash. All nonputrescible materials such as paper, tin cans, bottles, glass, crockery, rags, ashes, lawn cleaning, and street sweepings. Rubbish or trash shall not include earth and waste from building operations or wastes from industrial processes or manufacturing operations;

(h)   Single Dwelling Unit. An enclosure, building or portion thereof occupied by one family as living quarters.

(i)    Solid Waste. All non-liquid garbage, rubbish or trash.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

No owner of occupant shall permit to accumulate quantities of refuse or other waste materials within or close to any structure within the city unless the same is stored in approved containers and in such a manner as not to create a health or fire hazard.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

The owner or occupant of every dwelling unit shall use at his expense heavy duty plastic bags for storage of solid waste. Plastic bags shall be securely closed. All garbage shall be drained of all liquids before being placed in containers.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Refuse materials when placed in containers by the occupants or owners of the premises upon which the same are located, shall be subject to the exclusive control of the city, its agent or contractors and no person shall meddle with refuse containers or in any way pilfer or scatter the contents thereof.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Refuse placed in an container shall not be collected. Rocks, dirt, sod, concrete or building materials are not considered normal household wastes and will not be removed.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Plastic bags should be in front of dwelling for pick up unless told otherwise by city.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

The city shall provide for the collection of all solid waste in the City; provided however, that the city may provide the collection service by contracting with a person, firm, corporation, county, another city, or a combination thereof, for the entire city or portions thereof, as deemed to be in the best interests of the city.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Solid waste collectors, employed by the city or operating under contract with the city, are hereby authorized to enter in and upon private property for the purpose of collecting solid waste therefrom as required by this article.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Solid waste shall be collected once weekly.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Collection Equipment. All vehicles used for the collection and transportation of solid waste shall be constructed with watertight bodies and shall be fully enclosed or capable of being securely covered. All such vehicles shall be maintained in a safe, clean, sanitary condition and shall be operated in such a manner as to prevent spillage therefrom.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

All solid waste shall be disposed of at the Wilson County Landfill.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Rocks, dirt, sod, concrete and building material shall be disposed of only in sites and in a manner by the City Council and the local and state board of health.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Any person, firm or corporation who from time to time may desire to dispose of unwanted objects, furniture, appliances, trash, litter or other solid waste shall dispose of such refuse by delivering it, or having it delivered, to Wilson County Landfill to be disposed of in the same manner as provided for residential or commercial waste.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of collecting, transporting, processing or disposing of solid waste within the corporate limits of the city without first obtaining a permit from the city. A permit issued to a person, firm or corporation shall cover all employees of said person, firm or corporation.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

A refuse service charge of $16.28 per calendar month, shall be levied against each unit for the collection and disposition of solid waste per subscription unit. One cart shall be provided for each unit. An additional charge of $7.11 shall be charged for each additional cart requested per household.

Commercial refuse service charges shall be determined by the mayor, subject to approval of the governing body. In no case, however, shall such commercial rates be less than that charged a dwelling unit. In determining commercial rates, the mayor shall consider such factors as the quantity of refuse collected, the number of collections each month and accessibility to the place of collection.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021; Ord. 203J; Ord. 203K)

Bills for refuse service shall be rendered. Such bills shall be collected as a combined bill for refuse and water service.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)

Person failing to pay will refuse charges to be placed on tax roll when filing special assessments.

(Ord. 203; Code 2021)